
MINUS 1 is a brand founded by the collaboration of golf enthusiasts and fashion apparel experts to help our fellow golfers score a "-1" on the course. Our goal is to provide golfing apparel with style and functional comfort at a consumer-friendly price. We offer you a new experience of golf aesthetics where golfing is ubiquitous “Good luck, pray for birdies!!”

MINUS 1 結合高爾夫愛好者與時尚服飾團隊誕生的品牌,希望球友在球場上都能拿下負一的好成績而取名。我們的理念為提供機能舒適與時尚並重的高爾夫球裝,並且以親民的價格接近大眾,在「全民高爾夫」的時代帶給大家高爾夫美學新體驗 “Good luck, pray for birdies!!”